Wednesday, January 22, 2020


The world spins. As it does, it orbits. While it orbits, it wobbles, ever so slowly.

The wobble is why Polaris appears to sit due north in the night sky. It takes about 27,000 years complete the wobble. 5,000 years ago, Thuban, in the constellation Draco, indicated North.

Greeks figured it out a couple thousand years ago. Native Americans may have, as well. The concept isn't new.

That wobble most definitely affects the temperatures and weather patterns for the whole planet. Ice ages come and go with the wobble. Land and climate are significantly modified by the wobble.

Mankind hasn't recorded seeing the whole cycle. Unless man learns to extend life for tens of thousands of years, no one ever will. Leaving a record is the only way to bear witness.

The math calculating the wobble may be missing variables. The wobble may not even follow the same path of precession, spiraling ever outward, instead. It may accelerate or even develop camber or caster.

No future is set. A butterfly may affect it, yet mountains can be flattened with no widespread effects. A good guess can be offered, but it's all been conjecture.