Wednesday, July 12, 2006


I've recently started reading a loaner book. It was highly recommended by the loaner. It's called, "Against Our Will", and it's by an author named Susan Brownmiller. I don't want to judge the book so early, as I've only gotten through 2 chapters, but I don't think I can get any further with it.

Before I say why I think it's a book I don't want to read, I'd like to first say why it isn't a book a don't want to read. It's not that I don't want to read it because it's a book about rape, from a woman's perspective. Brownmiller, in her preface, admits she has never been a victim of a sexual crime, or even been close to having it happen to her. This, I thought, would make her objective. Negative. She should have called this book The Musings and Conjecture of a Medium Talent Magazine Writer. Another problem I have with her writing is that I have no idea what point she is trying to make. She's wandered aimlessly through the first 2 chapters, or so it seems.

I'm going to get on with reading it, though. Maybe I'm just not getting it, yet. The person who recommended it said they read through it in a night; they couldn't put it down. There's just something about Brownmiller's style that I haven't figured out yet, I guess.