Naive Rant or Hopeful Pledge
Libertarians, Anarchists, liberty-leaning Democrats and Republicans all tend to be vocal about the things they don't like. Rightly so, though, as there is far more against liberty than for it. Still, when all that comes from someone is criticism or negative comments, that person begins to seem like just a cynic. Instead of the reasoned person who's logic has identified another violation of liberty, they just seem angry.
I'm going to try and make an effort to point out positive strides towards liberty. Negativity just makes hope dim. Time to brighten things up.
No matter the office-holder, there is potential. Even in the most statist, corrupt bureaucrat, there has to be something that can be used to inspire a love of liberty. Instead of complaining about the vast majority of things that work against us, I'm going to try to find the good.
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