Mark Bodenhausen has Passed
I first met him about a dozen years ago at an LP supper club meeting. He showed up with a video where he absolutely destroyed Ken Guin on the subject of ballot access in a debate on APT. It was awesome and helped get me fired up about liberty.
I hate to think of how hard someone will have to work to fill Mark Bodenhousen's shoes in the liberty movement.
Although he was older than I, he was a fairly young man. He suffered a stroke just days after his newly built house burned. Mark was recently married and his wife has been left with the burden of his medical and other expenses. An email from Mike Rster contained this link for helping the family in this tragic time. bin/webscr?cmd=_donations& business=CGFXJ2AJF9WGA&lc=US& currency_code=USD&bn=PP% 2dDonationsBF%3abtn_donateCC_ LG%2egif%3aNonHosted
I hate to think of how hard someone will have to work to fill Mark Bodenhousen's shoes in the liberty movement.
Although he was older than I, he was a fairly young man. He suffered a stroke just days after his newly built house burned. Mark was recently married and his wife has been left with the burden of his medical and other expenses. An email from Mike Rster contained this link for helping the family in this tragic time.
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