Monday, August 13, 2012

There's no Future

"There's just no future."  That is the defeatist line.  It is an opinion that I have not been one to promote.

I find myself torn.  This election cycle has really fleshed things out for me.  I will never say there is no hope, but at this point, it really seems unlikely that the United States will resume the march toward freedom; the primordial undertow pulling us to revert to the primitive state of man has reached the event horizon, I'm afraid.

No, I'm not saying there isn't a chance to pull away, I'm just saying that it is going to require a force never before seen in politics.  This force would be akin to creating a very bright light with a very small power source.

Those who would subvert the republic are like criminals who have slipped into the house under false pretenses.  They have proceeded to bind and gag anyone who is capable of raising the alarm and now know that if they don't make too much noise or cause anything to turn the lights on and shine them in their direction, they are home free.  They've done it so slowly and methodically that even many of those bound and gagged believe they are just as free as always.

The question I am now trying to answer is this: If someone managed to rip the curtains open and shine daylight on what is going on, would anyone have the will or even the desire to fight it?  It has gotten to the point where, when corruption is exposed, like it was with the limited FED audit last year, little to nothing is done to correct the problem.

If we managed to get a full audit of Federal Reserve transactions and other actions that affect monetary policy, would the fleeing cockroaches and rotting dirty deals being exposed be enough light to awaken the sleeping republic?  Would people simply allow the roaches to hide and pretend they never saw them?  Would they laugh and call it 'business as usual' and do nothing?

Very few people form their own political opinions, anymore.  Once, this country was full of as many ideas as it was people.  Now, we find that most people draw their opinions of government and politics from what they've heard, not from actual events or records.  We've allowed ourselves to be weakened, politically, and to have our voice stolen from us.

For example, we've allowed ourselves to have more of our representative democracy stripped away, every year.  Every census takes away more representation from the individual.

Many don't know and very few are alive to remember that before 1913 the number of representatives in the House of Representatives was proportionate to the number of people in the country.  After the census of 1910, Congress voted to stop giving equal representation to any additional people.  As a result, the number in one congressional district is now creeping toward 1 million people. 

That means that your vote has only a 1-in-a-million chance of influencing your representation.  Your voice in the federal government has been virtually silenced.  Those with money and powerful positions in non-government entities have far more influence in government than one-millionth of a representative.

Our vote is diluted each time congress refuses to add representation.  Our money is devalued every time Federal Reserve policy creates a new dollar without removing one from circulation.  Our economy is degraded each time congress increases the amount of debt we owe and fails to balance the budget.  Our security is weakened with each of the essential liberties that we sacrifice out of laziness or fear.

Most of us are just along for the ride, trusting that, since the ride has been going for a couple of hundred years, we'll be able to coast on out for the rest of our lives without putting real effort into maintaining.  The tracks have become rusty, though, and the paint we've allowed government to slap on them is not going to be enough to hold things together.  The money we've given them to do real work on the system has been wasted and overspent, well beyond our means.  The check has come due and this ride is about to come off the rails.

I believe, however, and in spite of this, that the future is bright.  I MUST believe this.  Many young people are seeing the corruption exposed by the little light that remains.  They are apoplectic at the failings of previous generations and are refusing to let these atrocities against the true progress of man continue to stand.  They are lighting torches and shining light on everything they see.  There is, indeed, a bright future for our free Republic... but it will not be easy, and it won't come without a paradigm shift in our way of looking at government.
