With Child...
Firstly, I AM pregnant!
Online Pregnancy Test Results
Pregnancy detected!
Congratulations, Tonewah! You're "with child". Our
remote testing system has detected that you're pregnant. The
Miracle Of Life has begun! To see whether your baby is a boy or
a girl, click the "View My Baby" button below.
Next, I find out... IT'S A GIRL!
It's A Girl!
Tonewah, you're going to be the proud parent of a baby girl,
and just look- isn't she just so damn cute! Based on our remote
test results, your beautiful baby girl will weigh about 10 lbs,
8 oz and have brown hair and hazel eyes. Truly a Wonder To
Lastly, I find out who my baby daddy is...
Online Pregnancy Test: The Daddy Is . . .
Don't feel bad, you were just wearing a dress and sometimes
that's all it takes. It could have happened to anyone.
I'm so proud... Here's the birth certificate:
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